
Each of the Squares in the City of Adelaide are part of the city’s Park Lands and are unique to their surrounding area. These green spaces provides flexibility for the community, accommodating a variety of activities at varying scales, from picnics to festivals, and provide green walking links to the surrounding city.

Squares also help to reinforce Colonel Light’s ‘park within a city’ feel by reducing the physical and visual dominance of vehicles and buildings and providing valuable green breathing spaces in the city.

Design approaches should support the identity of the local precinct. The large trees and formal plantings often found in Squares are complementary to their scale, and enhance the

character of the surrounding precincts. Use of high-quality furniture and comfortable amenities encourages use of the Squares.

There are six Squares in the City of Adelaide: Victoria Square/Tarntanyangga, Hindmarsh Square/Mukata, Light Square/Wauwi, Hurtle Square/Tangkaira, Whitmore Square/Iparrityi and Wellington Square/Kudnartu, each with their own distinct character.

In this section:
City Park Furniture and Materials High-Quality Amenities

City Park

Providing relief from the built form with an oasis of green in the city not only provides health and environmental benefits, but helps to minimise the physical and visual dominance of vehicles.

More on Greening

Furniture and Materials

Each Square is unique to its location as is the furniture and materials used within it. A Square located in a more residential area might have a small playground, while a city Square might cater more for city workers wanting a break from their day.

More on Furniture and Materials

High-Quality Amenities

Squares should provide safe, convenient and comfortable amenities and connections to the wider city. Public transport infrastructure such as seats, shelter and wayfinding opportunities are important to connect the Squares to the city.

More on Street Design

Explore the city streets

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