Small Streets and Laneways

Small Streets and Laneways are the smaller spaces in the city, adding to the city’s detail and interest and fine-grained network, and provide convenient connections to the greater pedestrian network of the city.

In the city’s centre, these places are often very urban, with cars, people and on-street activities like outdoor dining competing for use, leaving less space for greening and other street enhancements.

The Small Streets and Laneways in North Adelaide, the south-east and the south-west of the city have a very different character. They are often quiet, low-traffic residential streets and lanes with lots of heritage character, such as McLaren Street with its row cottages.

Because they are so different, the design for these streets is explored on a case by case basis, but all of these types of streets should be designed to encourage use and social interaction.

In Small Streets and Laneways building frontages predominantly face onto the street to provide visual interest for people and assist with passive surveillance of the space.

There are four types of Small Streets and Laneways in the City of Adelaide: Small Streets and Laneways, Shared Small Streets, Service Lanes and Pedestrian Zones. Examples include Chesser Street, Peel Street, Solomon Street and Leigh Street.

In this section:
Fine Grain Furniture and Materials Lighting

Fine Grain

Small streets are key to the vitality of the city. Whether it’s a row cottage with intricate ironwork or a laneway bar with outdoor dining, well-designed and detailed frontages help to create a unique and interesting street experience for passers-by.

More on Building Frontages

Furniture and Materials

Too much variety in street furniture and materials can create visual clutter and impact the quality of public space. Applying consistency to street elements creates a canvas for the genuine and distinctive features of the city’s streets, such as unique heritage buildings.

More on Furniture and Materials


Lighting is an important aspect of any city and without it streets and public spaces can become lost. Good lighting design balances its surroundings and complements the street environment, so people feel comfortable and safe to use places, day or night.

More on Lighting

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